Friday, September 19, 2008

How to Increase Your Traffic??

From my experience and reading, the best way to get a good traffic by participating in any campaign organized by other bloggers, by giving a comment to the campaign or review their campaign will help you to increase your traffic, and normally people who visit your blog from your comment or review on others blog was already attracted to your writing, that give you an advantage to get them stay tune with your blog and be your regular customer.

You also could try any link or banner exchange program, for example BlogMad, they give u a good chance to exchange your banner or link between their members, can you imagine that? Your banner(your own design) will display on others blog.

Another method that I have been used to increase my traffic by posting a feedback in any forum, but that's not all, you must put your URL or any thing that will link to your blog at your signature, each time you posting a feedback to any topic people will look at your signature and there are chances to get them in. To ensure that your comment are read by others, you must choose a good and popular topic to participate, how to measure the popularity of the topic? Choose the topic that have a good respond and have a good number of reply on it.

Do not just simply spamming your post into the forum but give a good comment, a good comment not only giving them compliment and giving a good tips because a bad comment (don't attack with abusive language) or a comment that maybe could attract other forum member will also give you a credit to your rank and blog.

Being friendly with other blogger also a nice way to get a traffic, give them a comment in their blog or any good advise will attract their reader to visit your blog too.

How and where to start? Click my comment link and u can start your good comment here.... what are your waiting for??? show me your good comment now... give me a comment...


Anonymous said...

They're many ways to drive traffic to your blog. Traffic is the "lifeblood" for the online marketers continue to survive in the competitive market. Some of the traffic tools as the following:

1. Forum
2. Article
3. PPC
4. SEO
5. Directory submission
6. Social networking
7. Blogging

To Your Success
Bryan Hee
247 ways to drive traffic to your blog. Free Download!

Anonymous said...

thanks guy for giving me an idea on how to increase my traffic... I'm still having problem with SEO, read about it for a few time but still can't figure it out.

custom written essays said...

Great!! I knew only few methods before (blogging, articles and forums). but I never think that PPC and soc.nets also useful for traffic increse